Progress Report 2: new stories begin


Threads went on an unplanned, unannounced hiatus this month because of all the work I’ve done to set up new projects. The last few weeks have seen a lot of behind-the-scenes work on my sites while theme code was cleaned up for Threads and Willow’s Tale. I took the opportunity to freshen up the look for Threads and make some minor tweaks to Willow‘s look. I have two more themes to work out and then I’ll make some changes to the Terminus home page.

When I first started this website, I kind of had in mind the idea of using only two looks for the comics: one for Threads or any longer story, one for short stories, both with the same color scheme. Then I started Willow’s Tale and immediately changed my mind, but my old code was a pain to edit so I put it off. It’s been a long time coming and I’m glad to finally get all this CSS off my back.

Of course, Threads wasn’t the only thing put on hold during this month. I wasn’t able to get Willow’s Tale finished, either. All this set-up was more time-consuming than expected and while I was able to draw some pages, they weren’t nearly enough. February is going to see a lot of make-up work, especially since there are two new stories to manage at the same time.

Now onto those new stories:

Fear Without A Name: a 70-page story about monsters born of fear and a stranger without a name. It updates on Mondays for now.
My Resident Ghost: a slice-of-life story about a guy that moves into a haunted apartment, and other supernatural nonsense. It starts tomorrow and updates on Wednesdays.

They’re two very different stories but I hope you like both of them. MRGhost is going to get a different look in the next few days, so you have that to look forward to as well.

Until next time.